Water dosing and Ice water cooling machines

Exact compliance with recipe specifications is very important to obtain the right dough consistency and thus a high-quality baked product. Therefore, the quality of baked goods starts with precise bulk water dosing and mixing.

equipment when dosing and mixing drinking water, our water dosing equipment and water cooling equipment ensure that the quantity of water added during dough production is exactly in line with the recipe and that the water temperature is selected so that the dough temperature is kept within the optimum range during kneading. This can be achieved by mixing tap water with chilled water or with hot water. Thus, the water provided can be tempered in the range between 2°C and 60°C.


Precise dosing, reliable cooling: Backpartner makes it possible

On the equipment side, a distinction is made between the water metering units and the water cooling units. The devices from STM deliver exactly reproducible results and offer innovative solutions as well as excellent product quality – certified according to EN ISO 9001:2008.

Precisely fitting water metering units

In the case of the water dosing units and water mixing units, the spectrum ranges from pure dosing units (without temperature control) to units with manual temperature adjustment and two connections for the water supply to fully automatically controlled units with three connections for the connection of cooled water, tap water and hot water and two outputs for two different dough mixers. Up to 99 recipes can be stored in the control and recalled when needed.

Powerful water cooling units

The water cooling units are available in many different capacities and sizes. The suitable unit is defined by the amount of water added per kneading process and the amount of cooled bulk water required per hour. The units can be integrated into higher-level control systems via interface for fully automatic products.

Wassermischgeräte und Dosiergeräte von STM bei Backpartner

Our water dosing systems and ice water cooling machines at a glance

Please select the product variant to see the models and technical details

Water Mixers & Metering Equipment

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Ice Water cooling machines

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Water mixing and metering equipment

Wassermisch- und Dosiergeräte Übersicht

DOMIX 35 DOMIX 45A TriDOMIX 50 / 100 DOMIX 60 / 70
Dosieren / Mischen Ja Ja Ja Ja
Dosiermenge Bereich 0,1 - 999,9 l 0,1 - 999,9 l 0,1 - 999,9 l 0,1 - 999,9 l
Mischtemperatur Bereich 2 - 60° C 2 - 60° C 2 - 60° C 1 - 60° C
Zulauftemperatur maximal + 65°C + 65°C + 65°C 65° C
Empfohlener Zulaufdruck Min / Max 1 - 5 bar 1 - 5 bar 1 - 5 bar 2 bar / 5 bar
Wassereinlauf Menge bei 1 bar 18 l/min 18 l/min 22 l/min / 35 l/min 22 l/min / 25 l/min
Wasserauslauf Menge bei 5 bar 40 l/min 40 l/min 55 l/min / 80 l/min 55 l/min / 65 l/min
Temperaturgenauigkeit ± 1 °C ± 1,5 °C ± 0,5 °C ± 0,5 °C
Dosiergenauigkeit ± 1% ± 1% ± 1% ± 1%
Wasseranschluß 1/2" 1/2" / 3/4'' 1/2'' / 3/4'' 1/2'' / 3/4''
Mischtechnik Thermostat Thermostat Automatisch sequentiell Automatisch
By-pass Automatisch Automatisch Automatisch
3-Wege Kit Optional Optional Standard Standard
Gehäuse Edelstahl Edelstahle Edelstahl Edelstahl
Anzeige Ziffernanzeige Ziffernanzeige LCD TFT Touch
Anzahl Rezepte im Speicher 1 80 99 99
Extrerner Temperaturfühler Pt 1000 Klasse A Pt 1000 Klasse A  Pt 1000 Klasse A 
Datenkommunikation Option RS 485, Fern- Start/Stop RS 485, Fern- Start/Stop RS 485, Fern- Start/Stop, USB, Ethernet
Spannungsversorgung 60Hz 25 VA 60Hz 25 VA 60Hz 100 VA 240 V - 50-60Hz 65 W
Schutzgrad IP 42 IP 42 IP 42 IP 43
Gewicht ca. 10 Kg ca. 12,5 Kg ca. 19/22 Kg ca. 23/25 Kg
Abmessungen (ohne Rohranschlüsse) Breite: 257 mm, Höhe: 209 mm, Tiefe: 169 mm Breite: 301 mm, Höhe: 223 mm, Tiefe: 189 mm Breite: 430 mm, Höhe: 320 mm, Tiefe: 184 mm Breite: 434 mm, Höhe: 415 mm, Tiefe: 182 mm

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Ice water cooling machines

Wasserkühler Übersicht

Tankvolumen in l 50 80 80 150 150 300 300
Abgabemenge l / h 150 210 360 565 1115 1680 2150
Kühlleistung KW 2,8 3,8 7,0 11,0 21,6 32,4 41,5
Aufnahmeleistung   KW 2,2 2,7 3,4 5,5 12,5 18,9 24,4
Gewicht Kg 165 192 225 300 500 611 733
Breite mm 700 700 740 950 1210 950 + 2640 1150 + 685
Tiefe mm 735 735 900 1720 1860 950 + 3840 1150 + 685
Höhe mm 1435 1435 1540 1460 1970 2200, Ext. 1155 2200, Ext. 1155

* Kondensator ist abgesetzt


USB für Datenspeicherung
RJ45-Ethernet Anschluss für Ferndiagnose und Datenspeicherung

Dosierausrüstung bestehend aus:
Fahrbar auf Rollen (TWC ECO, PRO 1 und Pro 2)
Wandhalterung (TWC ECO, PRO 1 und Pro 2)

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