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Frequently asked questions
We have collected recurring questions about bakery solutions here for you and are constantly expanding this area for you.
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What are the advantages of a spiral mixer?
Modern kneaders offer the possibility to adapt the kneading tool to the requirements of the different products. The so-called double helix tool is increasingly used for this purpose. Due to its geometry, the spiral die has a more intensive effect through more dough contact. This has clear advantages over the spiral die when mixing and especially when kneading. Thus, slightly more water can be bound with a comparable dough consistency. The kneading time is shortened depending on the dough u approx. 10-15% and the dough heating is lower . Overall, a spiral kneader is suitable for semi-industrial and industrial use, where many batches are run and rather minimal savings in total lead to considerable effects in terms of costs.
Why is water dosing accuracy so important for dough production?
The goal of every baker is to guarantee the most consistent process possible in the production of baked goods. Accordingly, recipes are developed that must be adhered to very precisely so that the end customer always receives the same valued quality on the table. Since the ingredients are usually natural products of varying quality and external conditions such as temperature and humidity change throughout the year, the baker often has to make corrections. Modern bakery machines have a recipe management system for this purpose. Nevertheless, the baker is in demand when it comes to the settings. This means that the baker must be able to rely 100% on fixed process control variables such as water quantity and temperature. If this leads to additional uncertainties in the process, it becomes almost impossible to produce consistent quality.
When do I need retractable boilers and what do I need to consider?
Extendable boilers allow the use of lifting tools (lifting tippers) and are a prerequisite for at least semi-automated bakery operations. In order for the additional costs to pay off, a profitability analysis should be carried out to determine whether the costs and returns are in the right proportion. Basically, extendable kettles offer the advantage of a central weighing and dosing station, kettle cooking of any length and keeping the kneaders in the building spatially separated from the dough processing. The simplification of work, the possibilities of cleaning and logistics are clearly more advantageous for kneaders with extendable bowls.
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What are the options for cooling the dough during kneading?
In principle, it is desired that the dough increases in temperature after mixing in kneading phases 2 and 3 to enable good crosslinking in the dough matrix. However, depending on the dough, there is a tipping point after which, if the temperature is too high, the water-binding capacity of wheat dough in particular is negatively affected and the gluten structure loses stability. For this reason, the starting temperature is adjusted in advance by adding chilled water or flake ice so that the desired dough temperature can be maintained. Some kneaders also have double-walled kneading kettles that are cooled by brine in a very complex process. For economic and technological reasons, the preference should clearly be given to cold water. Ice, in whatever form, leads to inhomogeneities in the dough and partial impairment of water binding. The optimum solution is a cold water source with a highly constant temperature that can provide precisely metered and tempered cold water. For this purpose, we offer cooling units based on modern plate cooler technology which, thanks to electronic control, provide consistent, best dosing accuracy.
What is oil used for in dough dividers and what quantities are involved?
Modern dough dividers are very precise devices, which allow to realize accuracies in a tolerance band of +/- 1% depending on the dough. Due to their mechanical design, dough dividers usually require process oil to lubricate the knives, punches and pistons. Older machines consume up to several liters per week for this purpose. Modern machines, which are up to date with regard to hygiene requirements, manage with less than 0.15 liters per hour. This also reduces oil contamination under the mesh and in the surrounding area. The state of the art is marked by Olympia dough dividers, whose oil consumption is reduced to a minimum. Added to this are outstanding cleaning properties, extremely simple operation, and a very robust design. In times of changing personnel and often lateral entrants, it is the right mesh for uninterrupted production.
What does "stress-free" mean in the context of dough belt systems?
The automated production process of baked goods on dough banding or laminating lines usually starts with the forming of a dough band with variable thickness and width. Various types of dough band formers are used for this purpose. Typically, 3-roll formers are selected for pastry doughs and 4-roll formers for yeast and bread doughs. Depending on the quality of the shaping, the dough is handled gently or pressed rather forcibly through the roller arrangement. The correct design choice of drop heights supports the dough without causing tension and differences in dough band thickness. The continuing trend towards artisan-style pastries with a high moisture content, special pre-doughs and long kettle proofing processes result in a very soft, coarse-pored and extremely sensitive dough. For this purpose, some manufacturers, such as Rijkaart, have developed so-called “soft dough dough band formers”. These special “stress-free” dough band formers allow the processing of artisan doughs without damaging their structure or squeezing out the already developed gas content in the dough.